Grades K-7
Congregation Beth Elohim Religious School
Curriculum: Grades K - 7
Kitah Gan (Kindergarten) and Kitah Aleph (1st Grade)
In kindergarten and 1st Grade students begin to develop a special and positive identity around what it means to be Jewish in an engaging and interactive environment. Students are introduced to prayers such as Modeh Ani, Ma Tovu, Shema, Oseh Shalom and more. In addition, students learn about Jewish holidays and Bible (Tanakh) stories through stories, songs and craft projects. Students are introduced to Israel through discussions and dancing! Finally, students gain a better understanding of themselves as part of the classroom, synagogue and Jewish community.
In addition, the 1st grade students learn the Hebrew letters through songs, worksheets and key vocabulary associated with each letter.
Kitah Bet (2nd Grade)
In 2nd Grade students participate in Hebrew reading readiness. Students continue to explore holidays as they learn more about the rituals, history and biblical background of all the major festivals of the year. Students continue to review their knowledge of the blessings for food and holidays. In 2nd grade students explore Torah by gaining a better understanding of the major biblical figures and learning to relate to them. Finally, through song and dance, the students learn about Israeli culture and begin to be able to identify Israeli cities and major Israeli historical figures.
Kitah Gimel (3rd Grade)
In third grade students focus on Hebrew reading (decoding) as they build on their knowledge of the Hebrew letters. By the end of third grade the students can celebrate their new knowledge to read Hebrew at their Class Service and Siddur Ceremony! Students continue to learn Torah through methods such as acting out Sedra scenes adding Midrash (stories about the Torah) to their understanding of Torah. In addition to learn Hebrew letters and words, the students learn and review the Shabbat evening and holidays prayers. Students in third grade also wrestle with their understanding of God through discussions and projects. Finally, all the students in third grade work on a book report for national Jewish book month in November.
Kitah Dalet (4th Grade) Sunday Curriculum:
In the fourth grade class the students begin to study Friday evening and Saturday morning prayers more closely both for reading and for understanding. In addition, they begin to learn about the different sections and themes in a Shabbat service.
In their Bible studies, the 4th grade will focus on studying the Bible beyond Exodus. Specifically, they learn about Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Judges and Prophets. In addition, students continue to study the holidays, examining the stories and customs with a more critical eye.
Kitah Hey (5th Grade) Sunday Curriculum:
In the fifth grade class the students continue to study Friday evening and Saturday morning prayers more closely both for reading and for understanding. In addition, they begin to learn about the different sections and themes in a Shabbat service.
In their Bible studies, the 5th grade will focus on studying Midrash. In addition, students continue to study the holidays, examining the stories and customs with a more critical eye. Lastly, students explore Jewish heroes both ancient and modern.
Kitah Vav (6th Grade) Sunday Curriculum
In 6th grade students continue to learn Hebrew and prayer through their study of the Shabbat morning Torah service and the concluding prayers of the service. In addition, students build on their knowledge of biblical characters and stories as they debate whether what they did was “right” and would they make the same decisions today. The 6th grade class studies Jewish holidays by learning customs of these celebrations around the world.
6th Grade is also the time when students begin to talk about the Jewish lifecycle events including the true meaning of celebrating Bar or Bat Mitzvah as a Jewish milestone which they do through four Family Education programs with the rabbi.
Weekday Curriculum 4th-6th Grade:
On Tuesdays from 4:15-6:15pm students will study both Hebrew and Jewish Values.
Hebrew: During the first hour, students focus on strengthening their reading skills and learning to read and chant prayers using the Shalom Learning curriculum. With this curriculum, students will have the opportunity to rotate through stations, working individually and in groups with teachers and student aides. Students will have access to online tools as well as traditional written materials. Additionally, students and their families will be able to access the Hebrew curriculum from their home computers and will be encouraged to practice at home to reinforce skills. Students will also be able to access lessons when they are unable to make it to class. All lessons are able to be delivered in a manner that adapts to the student's individual learning style.
While each student is learning at their own pace, we will also guide students to learn the following prayers in the following grades:
4th Grade:
Barchu, Ma’ariv Aravim, Ahavat Olam, Shema/V’ahavta, Mi Chamocha, Friday night Kiddush, the Four Questions and Hanukkah Blessings.
5th Grade:
Avot, G’vurot, K’dusha, Oseh Shalom, and Modeh Ani
6th Grade:
Torah blessings, Torah service, Ein Keloheinu, L’cha Adonai, Aleinu, Mourner’s Kaddish, and Chatzi Kaddish
Chugim (Electives):
During the second hour, students will focus their learning on Jewish Values through a learning technique that they choose. These might include art, drama, technology or other mediums that students will engage in and will change three times a year. Students will study and discuss text on the Jewish value and then create projects that show understanding of that Jewish Value and how it relates to them personally.
The curriculum for this time period is a three year Jewish Values curriculum which is laid out below:
Year 1 (2022 - 2023): Yearly Theme: Gemilut Chasadim: Loving Kindness
1. Hachnasat Orchim: Hospitality
2. Bikur Cholim: Visiting the Sick
3. Tza’ar Ba’alay Chayim: Being Kind to Animals
Year 2 (2023 - 2024): Word and Thoughts
1. Emet: Truthfulness
2. Hakarat Hatov: Gratitude
3. Ometz Lev: Courage
Year 3 (2024 - 2025): Ahavah: Love
1. Yirah: Awe and Wonder
2. V’ahavta L’veriechaKamocha: Love your neighbor as yourself
3. V’ahavta Et Adonai Elohecha: Love Adonai Your God
Kitah Zayin (7th Grade)
As 7th grade students are spending a great deal of time preparing for their own personal B’nai Mitzvah outside of the classroom, in the classroom they are focused on three units of study. They will begin the year by studying Torah (specifically the Torah portions of their classmates B’nai Mitzvah). They will then continue on to create their own social action project by learning about the Jewish values around social action and the process for creating a meaningful project. Finally, they will learn about Jewish Boston including a field trip to parts of Jewish Boston downtown.
In addition, the 7th grade class will continue to have a connection to our sister school in Haifa.
Sat, December 7 2024
6 Kislev 5785
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