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Sign up for Shabbat Torah & Haftarah Readings

We welcome Torah and Haftarah readers of all ages and ability levels!  

Sign up BELOW for available dates to read Torah or Haftarah on Shabbat mornings or holidays.

Torah Reading

Torah readers prepare to chant one aliyah of at least three verses.  A short aliyah would be about twenty words.  You can select anywhere in the parasha (Torah portion) that you want to read.

Haftarah Reading

Haftarah readers prepare to chant a reading of at least three verses.  You can select anywhere in the portion that you want to read.  You will also chant the Haftarah blessings before and after the reading.

I’ve signed up for a portion, now what?

We would be happy to support you in preparing for your reading in whatever way is most helpful to you.

1. Choose your verses

  • You are always welcome to choose your own selection of Torah or Haftarah verses, as long as you’re doing at least three verses and they are consecutive.  You can look up your portion in a chumash, a tanakh, or on Sefaria and find a section of verses that you find interesting or meaningful.
  • If you need ideas for choosing a set of Torah verses, go to Hebcal and click on your Torah portion. You will see Triennial lists of short aliyot.  You can click the verse numbers for an English translation, click the book icon to see what the verses look like in a Torah scroll, and click the audio icon to hear the verses chanted.
  • If you would like suggestions or guidance on choosing Torah or Haftarah verses, please reach out to Rabbi David (, who would be happy to assist you.
  • Once you have decided which Torah or Haftarah verses to chant, please let Rabbi David or Ritual Chair Jess Rosenblatt ( know what you’ve chosen.

2. Gather practice materials

  • Rabbi David would be happy to help make sure you have what you need in terms of the Hebrew verses with vowels and tropes, a copy of Torah verses from a tikkun (showing the reading without vowels, as it will appear in the Torah), and audio recordings.
  • Additional online text and audio resources are listed below.

3. Practice your chanting

  • If you would like support with practicing or want to set up a check in, please reach out to Rabbi David or Ritual Chair Jess Rosenblatt.

4. Chant your reading at Shabbat morning services

  • We look forward to seeing you on the bimah!

Online Resources

Hebcal: Click HERE for chapter and verse information for Torah and Haftarah portions, including suggested aliyot lists.

My Jewish Learning - Torah/Haftarah Portions: Click HERE to learn about each parashah, including which chapter numbers and where to find them in the chumash (scroll down to see the full list of portions). - Learn to Read Torah and Haftarah With Trope: Click HERE for this site that has the vocalized Hebrew and the words are highlighted as they are chanted.   You can click around it and stop and start as you like. 

Cantor Educator: Click HERE for large-font, printable texts and audio recordings of Torah/Haftarah portions.

PocketTorah: Click HERE for a free mobile app with all Torah portions, which you can view with vowels & tropes or as a tikkun, and listen to audio recordings.

Contact Rabbi David at or Ritual Chair Jess Rosenblatt at for more information.


Sign up!  Click on "Register Now", in the right hand column, for a date and reading type (Torah or Haftarah) that is marked "Open". You will have the opportunity to sign up for multiple dates once taken to the form.

12/07/2024 December 7-Torah Reading: Vayetzei Open Register Now
12/07/2024 December 7-Haftarah Reading: Vayetzei Open Register Now
12/21/2024 December 21-Torah Reading: Vayeshev Open Register Now
12/21/2024 December 21-Haftarah Reading: Vayeshev Open Register Now
01/04/2025 January 4-Torah Reading:Vayigash Open Register Now
01/04/2025 January 4-Haftarah Reading: Vayigash Open Register Now
01/11/2025 January 11-Torah Reading: Vayechi First Name David
Last Name Pinsky

01/11/2025 January 11-Haftarah Reading: Vayechi Open Register Now
01/18/2025 January 18-Torah Reading: Shemot Open Register Now
01/18/2025 January 18-Haftarah Reading: Shemot Open Register Now
01/25/2025 January 25-Torah Reading: Vaera Open Register Now
01/25/2025 January 25-Haftarah Reading: Vaera Open Register Now
02/01/2025 February 1-Torah Reading: Bo First Name Jessica
Last Name Rosenblatt

02/01/2025 February 1-Haftarah Reading: Bo Open Register Now
02/08/2025 February 8-Torah Reading: Beshalach Open Register Now
02/08/2025 February 8-Haftarah Reading: Beshalach Open Register Now
02/15/2025 February 15-Torah Reading: Yitro First Name David
Last Name Pinsky

02/15/2025 February 15-Haftarah Reading: Yitro Open Register Now
02/22/2025 February 22-Torah Reading: Mishpatim Open Register Now
02/22/2025 February 22-Haftarah Reading: Mishpatim Open Register Now
03/01/2025 March 1-Torah Reading: Terumah Open Register Now
03/01/2025 March 1-Haftarah Reading: Rosh Chodesh Open Register Now
03/08/2025 March 8-Torah Reading: Tetzaveh Open Register Now
03/08/2025 March 8-Haftarah Reading: Tetzaveh Open Register Now
03/15/2025 March 15-Torah Reading: Ki Tisa Open Register Now
03/15/2025 March 15-Haftarah Reading: Ki Tisa Open Register Now
03/22/2025 March 22-Torah Reading: Vayakhel Open Register Now
03/22/2025 March 22-Haftarah Reading: Vayakhel Open Register Now
03/29/2025 March 29-Torah Reading: Pekudei First Name Jessica
Last Name Rosenblatt

03/29/2025 March 29-Haftarah Reading: Pekudei First Name Jessica
Last Name Rosenblatt

04/05/2025 April 5-Torah Reading: Vayikra Open Register Now
04/05/2025 April 5-Haftarah Reading: Vayikra Open Register Now
04/12/2025 April 12-Torah Reading: Tzav Open Register Now
04/12/2025 April 12-Haftarah Reading: Tzav Open Register Now
04/19/2025 April 19-Torah Reading #1: Pesach Yom Tov (Exodus 14:21-23) Open Register Now
04/19/2025 April 19-Torah Reading #2: Pesach Yom Tov (Exodus 14:24-26) Open Register Now
04/19/2025 April 19-Torah Reading #3: Pesach Yom Tov (Exodus 14:27-29) Open Register Now
04/19/2025 April 19-Haftarah Reading: Pesach Yom Tov (II Samuel 22:1-4) Open Register Now
04/26/2025 April 26-Torah Reading: Shmini Open Register Now
04/26/2025 April 26-Haftarah Reading: Shmini Open Register Now
05/31/2025 May 31-Torah Reading: Bamidbar Open Register Now
05/31/2025 May 31-Haftarah Reading: Bamidbar Open Register Now
06/02/2025 June 2-Torah Reading #1: Shavuot Morning (Expdis 20:2-7) Open Register Now
06/02/2025 June 2-Torah Reading #2: Shavuot Morning (Exodus 20:8-11) Open Register Now
06/02/2025 June 2-Torah Reading #3: Shavuot Morning (Exodus 20:12-14) Open Register Now
06/02/2025 June 2-Haftarah Reading: Shavuot Morning (Ezekiel 1:4-9) Open Register Now
06/07/2025 June 7-Torah Reading: Nasso Open Register Now
06/07/2025 June 7-Haftarah Reading: Nasso Open Register Now
06/14/2025 June 14-Torah Reading: Beha'alotcha Open Register Now
06/14/2025 June 14-Haftarah Reading: Beha'alotcha Open Register Now
06/28/2025 June 28-Torah Reading: Korach Open Register Now
06/28/2025 June 28-Haftarah Reading: Korach Open Register Now


Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785