Join CBE's Green Team
Last fall, CBE’s 4 solar canopies went live and have generated over 125 MWh of electricity, during the lowest producing months of the year. Nonetheless, this renewable energy offset 87 tons of CO2 emissions which is equivalent to 103,000 gallons of gas AND planting 1,300 trees!
And now, with your help, we can do so much more for the environment by joining CBE’s Green Team. See how our Ariel Ometz chapter of BBYO teens have taken the lead with a 13 minute video illustrating simple ways that every congregant can help our planet. Also, in case you missed it, watch the Erev Earth Day Zoom recorded session that features both the teen video and a slide show featuring environment themed artwork by our K - 3rd grade students. Feel free to skip the 3 minute introduction to the about half hour session.
The Jewish Climate Action Network in collaboration with MassEnergize has created a community web platform to provide congregations with a FREE resource to help their members reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and the harmful effects of climate change.
CBE’s Na’aseh subsequently formed a Green Team and has over twenty member households. Together we have already taken over 115 ‘green actions’ such as; received free home energy assessments, installed LED lighting, added or are planning to add rooftop solar panels and shopped locally at farmers markets. To date these actions are projected to save 95 tons of carbon, above and beyond the benefit of CBE's solar canopies!
Our goal is to have at least 60 households join CBE’s Green Team, by recording green actions already done to support the environment and, more importantly, to commit to at least one more action to help address our ongoing climate change crises.
So join CBE’s Green Team.
It’s easy to sign up and be counted. Simply go to:
Then click the Register button, enter your email address and create a password.
Then go to the CBE Green Team page and click the join link for our team link. Select the Actions tab at the top of the page, from there, choose among the 20 different Green Actions that you have already done or plan to do in the near future.
Any questions or need help getting started? Contact Barry Nyer at