CBE Resources
Chesed Committee - Help in a time of need
External Resources
18 Doors (formerly InterfaithFamily of Greater Boston)
Anti-Defamation League incident reporting page
CJP (Combined Jewish Philanthropies)
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Hadassah of Nashoba Valley Facebook
Hebrew College news and events
Jewish Bereavement Support Group | Articles and listing for all things Jewish in the Boston area
Jewish Community Releations Council of Greater Boston
Jewish Family & Children's Service
Among services offered are:
Addressing the ongoing mental health crisis Mental Health Connect is a free, confidential information and referral service for navigating a range of mental health challenges—coping with isolation, finding a therapist or support group, identifying specialty services for complex mental health needs, and more.
Helping families find their way through the shifting sands of education. We have heard from many families that they are already worried about navigating the return to school in the fall. JF&CS offers expert special education advocacy to help families start the next school year with confidence. For more information, call 781-693-5640 or email
Jewish Family Service of Metrowest
Keshet | A national organization that works for full LGBTQ equality and inclusion in Jewish life.
Mayyim Hayyim | Living Waters Community Mikveh | BRCA awareness, education, and support - Everything for the Greater Boston Jewish Community
Yad Chessed | provides emergency financial assistance to Jewish individuals and families in need in Massachusetts.