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CBE Scholarships

CBE is pleased to offer three types of scholarships for both youth and adults:

Please read the descriptions of each and click on the link after each description to download the application. All Scholarship applications should be submitted to Cindy Kalish ( by May 12th.

Recipients will be notified by the middle of May and scholarships will be formally awarded on the last day of religious school (May 19th).

The applications are WORD documents.  You can complete the application online or offline.   If online, you can email the application to Cindy Kalish,

Instruction:  When editting the WORD document, delete the line after the field label before typing the information.  You may need to click "Enable Editing" at the top of the WORD document form.



Our Congregation, together with family and friends of Amy Naparstek, supports this memorial scholarship fund to assist deserving young adults in our congregation to participate in recognized teen programs in Israel. For the 2024 summer we will also be taking applicants who are attending Jewish overnight camp.

This fund was established for two major reasons: First, to maintain an ongoing, living memorial within our community to a truly outstanding young woman; secondly, to encourage in our young people a commitment to Israel, Jewish life, Jewish study, and social action – values which Amy exemplified so well.

Among the qualities we seek in candidates are:
  • commitment to Jewish learning by being enrolled in or graduates of our teen educational program;
  • commitment to service to the synagogue by volunteering or assisting in aspects of synagogue or religious school life;
  • commitment to Jewish community by involvement in activities and programs for Jewish youth within our own congregation and in the broader Jewish community;
  • commitment to tikkun olam - social action - by involvement in social action or community service activities or projects.

Click HERE to download the application for The Amy Sara Naparstek Israel Scholarship



Stuart’s wife Cindy and their two children hope that through the annual scholarship awards, other teenagers will be encouraged to study and enjoy Jewish learning and camping opportunities as Stu did during his teenage years. In keeping with the spirit of encouraging all children, each year these scholarship awards will be given to different students. Although students can apply more than once for the award, preference will be given to students who have not received the scholarship before.

Stuart Markowitz grew up in Sharon, Massachusetts, where he attended public schools and was a Hebrew school student at Temple Israel. While in high school, Stu completed Hebrew College's high school program, Prozdor, now located in Newton. He was a committed student and would spend long hours after school to take public transportation from Sharon to attend Prozdor, then located in Brookline. He also enjoyed his summers at Camp Yavneh, Hebrew College's summer camp in New Hampshire. He recalled many fond memories of playing baseball and working in the camp kitchen, while speaking only Hebrew at the camp. He made many good camp friends over the years there. Stu was a loving father and husband who enjoyed spending time with his family and his friends, many of them from childhood.

Who is awarded the Stuart Markowitz Scholarship:
  • Teenagers who are least 12 by June 30, 2024 and no older than 17 on June 30th and whose family are members of CBE at the time of the award.
  • Students who are planning to attend camp in the summer of 2024 or Prozdor for the fall of 2024.

For more information about Prozdor, visit For more information about Jewish summer camps please visit or .

For more information about the “Stuart Markowitz Scholarship Fund” awards, please contact Beth Goldstein at Thank you.

Click HERE to download the application for The Stuart Markowitz Annual Scholarship For Summer Camp and Prozdor



The CBE Brotherhood and Sisterhood establish the Judaic Enrichment Grant Program for the cultural enhancement of the CBE community. This grant program is intended to streamline the process through which individuals request financial assistance for enrichment endeavors. The philosophy behind this program is to make the process as flexible, inclusive and timeless as possible. We recognize that the total number of requests may exceed the ability to make meaningful grants and that the selection committee will need to be able to use discretion in prioritizing, selecting and awarding grants. We therefore provide the following guidelines:

Purpose: Provide financial aide for members of the CBE community to achieve the following goals:

1.  Enrich Judaic knowledge and understanding within the CBE community
2.  Promote understanding and a deeper sense of our Jewish culture and heritage
3,  Foster Jewish culture, learning and living
4.  Promote cultural exchange with other Jewish communities; e.g. travel, studies, community involvement


Applicant Qualifications (one or more of the following):

1.  Member in good standing as defined by CBE criteria (it is assumed that children of members in good standing are eligible if they are students up through undergraduate college)
2.  Member of CBE educational staff
3.  Students in the CBE school


Criteria for acceptance:

1.  Qualified applicant
2.  Completed application, including a detailed written proposal and two names of persons that may be contacted for references, submitted by an established deadline
3.  Quality of proposal:
a.  Objectives consistent with the goals of the program
b.  Project description including prior investigation of the topic
c.  Statement of benefit to self and community
d.  Outcome must be of some benefit to the CBE community
e.  Proposal for feedback to the congregation
4.  A personal interview may be required at the option of the selection committee
5.  Demonstration of having sought other resources of financial support.
Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785