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Sukkot and Simchat Torah 5784 - Services & Events

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Sukkot Services & Events Schedule (Use this link if viewing on mobile device. If on laptop, schedule is to the right)

* Simchat Torah Services & Celebration Schedule

* Purchase Lulav & Etrog

Erev Sukkot Service, Singalong, and Potluck Dinner "With a View"

* Shabbat-Sukkot Service & Torah Study

* Family Sukkot Dinner & Movie Night

Wine and Cheese in the CBE Sukkah

* Simchat Torah Community Celebration - It's a Party for the Torah!

Shabbat - Sh'mini Atzeret Services


Order Your Lulav & Etrog! - Celebrate Sukkot in the Most Hands On Way Possible

Order deadline is 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 26th.

One of the prime mitzvot of the holiday is to handle and wave the Arba'at Haminim (the Four Species) and to have them for our Sukkot services and at home.

Complete the order form HERE.  You can purchase a standard size set for $55.00 or a toy/stuffed set for children for $17.00.

Lulavim and Etrogim can be picked up in the Synagogue kitchen refrigerator after 12:00 noon on Thursday, September 28th.  Your name will be noted on the Etrog box.

For questions, contact the synagogue administrator Miriam at


Erev Sukkot Service, Singalong, and Potluck Dinner

Friday, September 29 ♦ 5:00 PM Potluck Dinner ♦ 6:00 PM Service and Sukkot Singalong

In person (Thomas' home, Stow) and Service/ Singalong via ZOOM

Join us for a vegetarian/ dairy potluck dinner,  Erev Sukkot service, dessert ad a singalong at Jai and Henry Thomas’ sukkah in Stow. Take in the beautiful sunset view and bring instruments if you have them!

Sign up HERE to let us know you are coming and if you can bring a food dish to share.

If you are not able to bring a dish to share, no problem - please feel free to join us for dinner! The food will be available all evening.

After you sign up, you will receive an email with the location address and further details.

If you plan to join the singalong in the sukkah, you may find it helpful to bring a reading light to see the music.  Please email with any questions.


Shabbat-Sukkot Service and Torah Study

Saturday, September 30 ♦ 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

In person and via Zoom

Join us as we celebrate Shabbat and Sukkot with prayers, song and study.

Services begin at 9:30 AM, followed by Torah study around 10:30 and a laid-back Kiddush lunch at noon.  

Join us for any part of the morning, stay the whole time, or just come for lunch - we’d love your company!


Family Sukkot Dinner & Movie Night

Saturday, September 30: Dinner at 6:00 PM and Movie around 6:45 PM

Join the CBE Community for dinner followed by a brief Havdalah service in the Sukkah and then the movie, Rio, on the big screen outside, weather permitting.

There is no charge and all are welcome, but registration is required.  

Sign up HERE by Thursday, September 29th to let us know how many are coming and if there are any food allergies we need to know about.



Wine & Cheese in the CBE Sukkah

Sponsored by Brotherhood and Sisterhood

Wednesday, October 4 ♦ 7:00 PM

CBE Sukkah

Brotherhood and Sisterhood would like to invite you to join us for an evening in the CBE Sukkah.  

There is no fee for this adults only, age 21 and over,  Sukkot celebration!  All are welcome whether Brotherhood or Sisterhood members or not.

Snacks, wine, and cider will be provided.  

Please register below by Monday, October 2nd so we can plan accordingly.  

We look forward to seeing our fellow CBE folks in the Sukkah!  


Simchat Torah Community Celebration

It's a Party for the Torah! Fun for all ages!

Friday, October 6

6:00 PM Light Mediterranean Vegetarian Dinner

6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Service and Unrolling of the Torah (aka singing, live music, dancing, snacks and fun!)

In person at CBE & Service via Zoom at 6:30

Join us for a fun-filled musical evening in honor of the Torah. We'll start with a light Mediterranean Dinner.  Then, at 6:30, we’ll have a brief Friday Evening service followed by unrolling an entire Torah so we can read special verses from each of the 5 Books right from the scroll! Then we’ll take out all our Torahs for music and dancing.

This is a party for all ages!  There will be snacks available during the celebration, plus
an early oneg to follow. Don’t miss this wonderful way to close out the High Holiday season! Fun for all ages!


Shabbat - Sh'mini Atzeret Services

Saturday, October 7 ♦ 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

In person and via Zoom

Join us to say farewell to the holiday season with a Shabbat-Sh'mini Atzeret service, including the Yizkor prayers. A light Kiddush lunch will follow.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784