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Purim 5783 Service & Events

Join us!

The festive holiday of Purim is an annual highlight at Congregation Beth Elohim.  You will have a great time celebrating at the:

Please review and adhere to our COVID Guidelines when joining us in person. 


Purim Community Celebration and Megillah Reading
Monday, March 6th at 6 PM

In Person and via ZOOM

Join us for the annual mitzvah of listening to the story of Esther and Mordechai, chanted by over 25 members of all ages from our CBE community. Celebrate this season of joy, fun, and laughter, with Klezmer music by our special guest Barry Shapiro and CBE musicians! A short Purim service will be followed by the Megillah reading.

Wear your costumes, bring your noisemakers, and come prepared to cheer for Mordechai, Vashti, and Esther and stomp out that other guy’s name. 

We’ll sing, we’ll dance, we’ll cheer, and we’ll make noise. Hamantaschen, light snacks, and the famous CBE “grageritas” will be available. 

This will be held in person and via ZOOM.  Check the latest Star-Lite for Zoom information.

For those joining us via ZOOM, we will use this online Megillat Esther.


 CANCELED - Purim Masquerade Party! (Adults Only)

Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. We look forward to celebrating with you another time!


Family Purim Celebration - Puppet Show and Social Action Project

Sunday, March 12th, 9:30 AM

This is open to all - CBE members and non-members.  Join us for a fun family Purim celebration!  There will be a puppet show and a social action project.  Stay tuned for more information...


The Annual Beth Elohim Purim Carnival 
Sunday, March 12th about 10:45 AM to 12:00 PM

Join us in the Social Hall after the Hebrew School Purim activities.

Brought to the kids (young and old) by the CBE Brotherhood and B'nai B'rith Youth Organization.

You'll play some new games, along with your old favorites!  CBE Brotherhood will provide a light lunch that can be purchased in the back of the Social Hall.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785