Passover 5784: CBE Events & Activities
Below, you will find instructions for "selling of Chametz", Information about an upcoming lay-led April 20th Saturday morning Shabbat service with an Haggadah Show & Tell, and our April 29th 7th Day of Passover (Yom Tov) Morning Service with Yizkor.
Selling of Chametz
One of the Passover rituals is to remove chametz (leaven) from our homes in accordance with the verse, “No leaven shall be found in your houses for seven days (Exodus 12:19).” Ideally, these products should be donated or discarded prior to the start of Passover. Nonetheless, Judaism also recognizes that one should not incur undue financial loss in observance of the mitzvot. Therefore, if after thoroughly cleaning for Passover you still have chametz products to store during the holiday, you may perform the ritual of “selling your chametz” using the form below.
It is customary to make a donation when arranging for the sale of chametz to provide food for those less fortunate during this holiday season. You can select the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund in the drop down funds list and donate at this link:
All funds donated to the Rabbi’s discretionary fund for this purpose will be forwarded by Rabbi David to various food charities, including the Acton Food Pantry.
Here are two ways to get your form to Rabbi David:
1) Use this Google Form:
2) Send Rabbi David an email –
Please include "I/We hereby authorize Rabbi Braham David to sell all chametz, of any kind, that is in my/our possession before Pesach 5784 - 2024"
All forms must be received by Rabbi David by 9:00 AM on Monday, April 22, 2024!!!
Haggadah Show-And-Tell for Shabbat HaGadol
Saturday, April 20 10:45 AM - Noon
In-person and on Zoom
Lay-led by Jess Rosenblatt
On Shabbat HaGadol, the Shabbat before Passover starts, there is a tradition of learning about how to prepare for and celebrate the holiday. In this spirit, instead of a regular Torah Study we will take a look at a variety of haggadot and share things that we enjoy or find meaningful about them - and about the Passover seder in general.
Through this discussion we will learn more about each other's Passover traditions, and also get ideas from each other that we might want to incorporate into our own seders. Please join us, and feel free to bring along a haggadah to show-and-tell! Light kiddush lunch to follow.
Seventh Day of Passover Yom Tov Service with Yizkor memorial service
Monday, April 29 at 10:00 AM
In Person and on Zoom
led by Rabbi David and Cantor Sarra
Join us for a Passover Yom Tov service led by Rabbi David and Cantor Sarra, including a Yizkor memorial service. A light Kiddush lunch will follow.
To obtain the Zoom login information, check the latest Star-Lite, email or call the CBE office at 978-263-3061.
We'll use Siddur Hadash for Festivals for this service. Our Yizkor book can be found here.