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High Holidays Prayer Book Order Form

We will be using a customized version of the prayer book, B'Seifer Chayim: A Machzor for the Days of Awe, for the High Holidays 5782.  In addition, we will use the Machzor Hadash for the Yom Kippur afternoon services. 

The hard copy is the same as we used last year with some minor changes.  If you have last year's hard copy, you can use that.

If you are joining us via ZOOM, want a hard copy of books, and can pick up the copies at CBE, please complete this form with payment.    Cost is $10.00 per copy.  You will receive a copy of the B'Seifer Chayim and you will be given a Machzor Hadash to borrow.

We will let you know when the hard copies are available to be picked up at CBE prior to the holidays.

If you have any questions, contact Shoshana or Lori in the CBE office, 978-263-3061.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784