Brotherhood Poker Night
Thursday, November 30, 2023 • 17 Kislev 5784
7:00 PM - 9:30 PMSocial HallLearn and play Omaha, Chicago, Stockbridge, Finkel, 3 card, etc.
Open to all (not just Brotherhood members and not just CBE members!).
Entry fee is $35 per Brotherhood member, $45 per person for non-members.
Have you paid your dues for the 2023 to 2024 membership year? Click HERE to join Brotherhood so you can register as a member!
Bring your own: BYOB & BYO-snacks
Yes, there are prizes!
1st place wins a gift certificate to Rapscallion
2nd place wins a gift certificate to True West
3rd place gets free pass for next poker game Sign up timeline for October:
TWO STEP SIGN-UP PROCESS (with a notification email in between):
To make it more fun for all, we want to play with multiples of 6 or 7 people. So, to manage this and to avoid having to issue payment credits, we will have a 2 step sign-up process.
- By , tell us you want to play: Sign up below by xxx. You will not pay the entry fee at this time.
- On xxx , you will receive an email from David Manalan indicating whether you will play this month: The email will contain a link to the payment form. You will be playing if you are one of the first 6 people or the first 12 people, etc. to sign up.
- By , submit the entry fee payment form: For those that will be playing, we ask that you submit the entry fee payment form by xxx. That confirms that you intend to play.
For questions, email or find David Manalan's contact information in Star-Lite.
Some historical background about Social Poker at CBE (from David Manalan)
Social Poker at CBE goes back over 45 years. The group, with additions and departures (moving, grim reaper), plays monthly on an irregular schedule. Current CBE players are Denis Freidman and David Manalan. Past CBE members Ed Aaronson and Bruce Smith still play. Departed CBE players include Jules Gordon, Gerson Stutman, Bill Gratz, Royce Ginn, Jerry Finkel, and Steve Tharler. Steve's son, Scott, wrote a book about many of the games in 2004.
A little fun! (again, from David Manalan)
In social poker, we bet nickels, dimes, and quarters to avoid the following:
Six Jewish gentlemen were playing poker one night when Meyerowitz loses $500 on a single hand, stands up, clutches his chest and drops dead on the floor. Showing respect for their fallen comrade, the other five complete their playing time standing up.
Bash looks around and asks "Now, who is going to tell the wife?" They draw straws. Nordheim, who is always a loser, picks the short one. They tell him to be discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation any worse than it is. "Gentlemen! Discreet? I'm the most discreet mensch you will ever meet. Discretion is my middle name, leave it to me."
Nordheim schleps over to the Meyerowitz apartment, knocks on the door, the wife answers, asks what he wants. Nordheim declares "Your husband just lost $500, and is afraid to come home." She hollers, "TELL HIM HE SHOULD DROP DEAD!" Nordheim says, "I'll tell him."
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