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March 12, 2020:  Covid-19 Update for CBE

Chevreh ("blessed community") -

One of the most famous prayers in our tradition is the V'ahavta. It instructs us to love God with our entire selves.

In the moment we're in, it's clear that love isn't about kisses and hugs. (In fact, as we deal with COVID-19, kisses and hugs are the last things we should be doing!) Loving our community means protecting and supporting it. In consultation with our COVID-19 task force - especially medical professionals Drs. Jaymi Formaggio and Neal Silverman - we are taking the following steps, effective immediately:
  • The cantor and rabbi remain available to talk and, if you feel comfortable, meet in person.
  • Our cleaning staff have been given the CDC guidelines around safe cleaning practices, and will implement them immediately.
  • Services will continue, for now, with the following strictures in place:
  • Wash hands before and after davening ("praying").
  • Keep a three-foot distance from non-relatives.
  • If you have your own siddur (prayerbook), kippah, tallit, and chumash (Torah commentary), please bring them and take home with you.
  • If you use any item from CBE, including a siddur, tallit, kippah, or chumash, place it on the cart/bin in a designated location in the sanctuary.
  • Religious school is canceled this week - Beth is currently creating a contingency plan for online learning opportunities.
  • The ELC is closed for the coming week - Susan is currently working on contingency plans for students and staff.
  • The Brotherhood Breakfast and Shabbat Shira service are both canceled.
  • The final focus group meeting has been canceled and will be rescheduled.
  • No food will be served at Oneg Shabbat, except for challah and wine/grape juice prepared beforehand in the kitchen.
  • We will be in personal contact with all Spring b'nai mitzvah families to discuss our future course of action.
  • B'nai mitzvah tutoring will continue either in person or via electronic means, depending on the tutor.

The strength and beauty of this community are found in its people. Restrictions in the building are not restrictions on our heart. Please let us know if there is a member of our community who needs attention from clergy or the Chesed Committee.

And finally, as we protect ourselves by being farther away from each other physically, don't stop yourself from reaching out in other ways. Call. Text. Write. Spend this time connecting to those who need your love. And connect with yourself - and with the Source of Breath in the universe - through meditation, study, and prayer.

Sending you blessings for calm, soothing, and light.

Michael Rothbaum, Rabbi
David Leers, President
Beth Goldstein, Education Director
Susan Perry, ELC Director
Sarra Spierer, Cantor
Thu, April 25 2024 17 Nisan 5784